After thinking about the flowers for my branch (here’s the last post if you missed it I decided it would be better to do a sample so the colours could be seen better than in the pencil drawing.
I grabbed an offcut of a fulled sweater to use for the sample. It’s a bit lumpy but it should work for this. I have already decided I wanted a purple background to the flowers like the hairiness you see around some flowers.
I thought orange would be the best idea for the central stalk of the flower. I had a lighter and darker orange so I did some of each to see how it looked.
Then it was time to add flowers. Someone on the last blog post said to try gradient colours for the flowers. that sounded like a good idea. I am using embroidery floss the stuff that comes as 6 strands. I started with a darker colour and smaller knots at the top. Then I added a lighter colour strand and made a little larger knots. Then just the light colour but more strands and bigger flowers.
It’s not the best knot-making. On some, I just couldn’t get the knots to line up in neat rows. It’s probably the stitches of the sweater, you can see it’s fulled up quite lumpy. I am leaning toward pink. The yellow is nice too.
And now as promised some lamb pictures. We have 3 sets of twins and t singles so far.
Also last year you might remember that we had a bottle lamb named Storm.
Here is what he looks like now. He is a messy eater as you can see.