This is a short post today. There is not much time for felting at the moment. We have started lambing here on the farm. We are a little early. Seems we missed a ram lamb and he was a very active little fellow. Naturally with the weather being cold and wet we have some in the house.
Here is a brand new lamb, still all wet. Mom and baby were moved to a pen of ther own shortly after I took the picture.
These are the house lambs They are on bottles. This is ther first top in the living room. They have now moved to a Big pen in the basement.
And this is one that is getting warm sitting on my knee as I type this for you to read.
I am not sure how I am supposed to get ready to teach Techniques for Intermediate Felters on Saturday. No rest for the weary as they say.
Well thats it from me , I have lambs to feed.